
Heart Centered Manifesting

A Heart Centered Workshop on Loving Kindness

Create a heart centered life vision where personal fulfillment also brings benefit to others.
(Because the days of the self-centered bucket list are over.)

A heart centered vision is a celebration of our Divine Nature and helps uplift everyone involved.

Our love, wisdom, abundance, generosity, healing, and joy ripples out. A vision that comes from Divine Love is interdependent and deeply nourishing. Working with visualizations is a metaphysical science and an art.

Dates & details

Will be announced shortly.

If you are interested in getting the details for the next upcoming Heart Centered Workshop or work one on one with me e-mail me here expressing your interest.

Heart Centered Core Perspectives and virtues

Find solace. Build resilience.

The heart-mind is our greatest—and often most neglected—form of intelligence. There is no polarization in the heart. It can hold opposing views—shadow and light, fear and higher awareness. This is the non-duality that mystics teach. It’s the Inclusiveness that the entire world is needing right now.

A heart centered life is a reflective life. When we live more reflectively, we operate less reactively.

We create resilience through heart intelligence. The world needs to be having heart centered conversations.

The opposite of ego centered is heart centered. We’re going from the small, wounded self to the Higher Self. In terms of electromagnetic frequency, the heart chakra’s force is 5,000 times stronger than the brain’s. Love is the most powerful intelligence.

Divine love

…is the ultimate in Inclusiveness. Shadow + light and all of our fragments and glory are welcomed into the Heart. This can be the whole purpose of your life.

This Virtue is the deeply practical approach to what mystics have been teaching for centuries.

Loving Kindness

…is one of the four cardinal virtues in Buddhism. It is a “deep friendliness” with ourselves and all beings.

We can transform our default thinking of doubt and hostility to a steady stream of kindness—which is the ultimate freedom from suffering.


…creates the cohesion that our psyches and societies are crying for. Compassion = mercy + courage + oneness awareness. Compassion is a skill of the heart-mind. And we’re here to cultivate it.

For Giving

…is the heart’s natural impulse. It’s the deep call of these times to heal grievances and return to our innate state of being.


…is on the other side of your trial by fire. “Fixing” ourselves is a distraction. When we step out of that small self drama, we do life very differently. We can take even greater ownership of our healing process.


…is not to be mistaken with knowledge (an exercise of the ego mind), Wisdom is a quality of the heart. It’s beyond intellect.

You can’t hear your (Higher) self unless you get still and listen. School and business teach us to mine the “facts.” Now we’ll learn to tap WISDOM.


…is adaptability + inclusiveness + the fortitude of the heart. It’s not about toughening up, it’s about finding steadiness in the inclusive heart. We bend so we don’t break.

What others say

Unexpected connections

“Our workshop was filled with unexpected and unexplainable connections. We were sisters by the end, as we learned from each other’s experiences and drew on each other’s energy. It was a weekend love, healing and moxie.”

— Brandi Buckman 

Life is sweet

“I do a lot and am successful at what I do. But the workshop helped me recognize that I’ve been stuck in survival mode – the joy in what I was doing wasn’t there. Getting in touch with the feelings that drive what I do takes me beyond survival and into thriving, which makes life so much sweeter.”

— Tracy Greene

This series is for you if

  • You want to be less reactive (which comes from being more reflective).
  • You’re ready to put a stop to the looping emotions that sometimes feel like they control you.
  • You’re willing to reframe criticism into compassion.

Befriending Your Emotions

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